Get In Touch


2930 Domingo Ave #400

Berkeley, CA 94705


Tel: (510) 220-0214




New Service Request

Please let us know what Woofwalks services you are interested in and we'll get back to you with more information.

    Select all that apply.

    Please select the choice that best suits your needs.

    Please select all that apply. We do not offer walking services on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Please select all that apply.

Boarding Reservation

Please review boarding information below this form. Submit one form per pet.

  • Please provide your pet's name.

  • Please let us know what time you'll be dropping your dog off for boarding. Drop offs (by owner) are Monday-Saturdays 8am-7pm. If you drop off your dog before 3:00 pm, there is an additional charge for that day.

    * If your dog is picked up or dropped off by Woofwalks, we will charge $25 each way. Woofwalks must approve pick-up and drop-off arrangements prior to first boarding date.

  • Please let us know what time you'll be picking up your dog. Pick-ups (by owner) are Monday-Saturdays 8am-7pm.

    * If your dog is picked up or dropped off by Woofwalks, we will charge $25 each way. Woofwalks must approve pick-up and drop-off arrangements prior to first boarding date.
  • *Please complete if you requested a pick up or drop off
  • *Please clearly mark your dog's food, with your dog's name

  • Name, address, phone
  • Please read "boarding stuff you should know" below.